Hanbit the Developer

Kotlin Documentation | Interfaces 본문


Kotlin Documentation | Interfaces

hanbikan 2023. 5. 22. 17:51

Kotlin Documentation 시리즈에 대해

Category: Concepts - Classes and objects

문서 링크: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/interfaces.html

interface Named {
    val name: String

interface Person : Named {
    val firstName: String
    val lastName: String

    override val name: String get() = "$firstName $lastName"

data class Employee(
    // implementing 'name' is not required
    override val firstName: String,
    override val lastName: String,
    val position: Position
) : Person

Resolving overriding conflicts

interface A {
    fun foo() { print("A") }
    fun bar()

interface B {
    fun foo() { print("B") }
    fun bar() { print("bar") }

class C : A {
    override fun bar() { print("bar") }

class D : A, B {
    override fun foo() {

    override fun bar() {